Medical Diagnosis - Glucose

Medical Diagnosis is a private clinical pathology laboratory based in North London, close to Wembley Stadium, that provides a wide range of direct laboratory-to-client services to both healthcare professionals and the public.

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Glucose is the major carbohydrate present in the peripheral blood. Oxidation of glucose is the major source of cellular energy in the body. Glucose derived from dietary sources is converted to glycogen for storage in the liver or to fatty acids for storage in adipose tissue.

The concentration of glucose in blood is controlled within narrow limits by many hormones, the most important of which are produced by the pancreas. The most frequent cause of hyperglycemia is diabetes mellitus resulting from a deficiency in insulin secretion or action. A number of secondary factors also contribute to elevated blood glucose levels.

These include pancreatitis, thyroid dysfunction, renal failure, and liver disease. Hypoglycemia is less frequently observed. A variety of conditions may cause low blood glucose levels such as insulinoma, hypopituitarism, or insulin induced hypoglycemia. Glucose measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus and idiopathic hypoglycemia.

Glucose measurement in urine is used as a diabetes screening procedure and to aid in the evaluation of glucosuria, to detect renal tubular defects, and in the management of diabetes mellitus.

Test Status: UKAS accredited
Samples required: 1
  • Blood Sample
Results in: 4 hours

There is an additional £15 phlebotomy fee for every donation.

Medical Diagnosis
Please check our reception opening hours for 03/05 - 28/05